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I don't care to recall how long ago. But it did happen.

"Doctor, tell us about your field of research."

"My current research interests include the effect of OZD-class biotics on the neural-synaptic information pathways, as well as the resulting effect from these biotics."

"And what does that all mean?"

"I'm a brain doctor. Plain and simple. I've been studying the effects of this OZD-class of inhibitors -- blockers, as you may, on the functionality of our very minds. Very similar to the class of chemicals Doctors Huntington and Graeth used to cure cancer, some years ago."

"So what kind of work does this research involve?"

"For the initial development process, a lot of research and planning with my research team. Then we spend years finding suitable candidates for more in-depth testing. As of late we're focussing all our efforts on one promising chemical."

"So, tell us about this new drug."

"I wouldn't call it a drug as of yet. Drugs require many years of clinical trials before being approved. I'd say we're about 15 years away from that stage at this point in time. What we're currently studying is the r-Hypratonin-E4L-Inhibitase. What we've discovered in rHEI is a chemical which binds to the hypratonin receptors in the brain. This disrupts the mechanism through which hypratonin receptors perform their function."


"As we discovered about 10 years ago, hypratonin is a chemical, a signal, if you will, that is reponsible for the transmission of most, if not all, negative emotions and thoughts. Block the signal, and the brain will no longer feel these negative emotions, ranging from sadness, to anger, or even hunger. By finding a chemical which blocks hypratonin, we believe that we may have found the definitive cure for depression."

"How about previous 'cures'...?"

"The mechanism established with previous drugs only produces seratonin-a, a chemical that induces pleasure or other positive thoughts. Instead of just simply 'masking' negative emotions, rHEI should completely eliminate them. Why cover up the problem when you can eliminate it?"

"So just how effective is this?"

"Early clinical trials on animals report that they are 38% more productive, and require less work, sleep, and resources. In mice, life spans seem to double, if not more. Let me jump to conclusions and say these creatures are more productive, healthier, and happier."

"Sounds like a miracle... in a chemical. What's the plan now?"

"Well, we've sought permission from the government to begin our human clinical trials. Hopefully this will come delay. I hope to see this in the public domain, after all the required testing and trials are performed."

"I'm concerned about possible side effects. Any to note thus far?"

"Clinical trials on rhesus monkeys, as you know, very similar to humans, have not shown a single side adverse affect. 344 individual clinical trials, with varying doses. As far as I'm concerned, this is 100% safe, 100% effective. It's absolutely amazing."

"I'm very impressed. Thank you, Doctor, for taking the time to show us what the future might hold for society."

"No, thank you."

Welcome to the future.

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