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I sure as hell didn't mean to.

I was standing next to Mister at the queue up to the hi-station. It's on this very day they serve some semblance of a meal. The bastard. Once upon a time, he was a member of the upper crust. A veritable red-card carrying member of society. Now, he was eating the scum of the earth like us.

His shoes were worn, a bit too big for his feet, with the winter snow slipping in and slowly melting on his ankles, half exposed. A sudden gust of wind blew his battered hat to the ground, between his feet. He stumbled in an attempt to avoid stepping on it, and turned around.

My eyes met his for an instant. I reached down and retrieved the black cap. Standard issue. Once a prize, now a relic from a past long gone. He graciously accepted it, placed it on his head, and returned his hands from the bitter cold into his trouser pockets, with a pair of eyes, once cold, now warmed. The winter cold does relativistic wonders.

I tossed the asshole into a heap of junk around the bend. I got pulled off the queue. As expected.

I really didn't need to eat, anyway.

Merry Christmas, Mister.

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