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Brought that little book of mine to work today. Wrapped it up with my foodpak and my keypad. Slipped it past the lax and sleeping security. Decided to write instead of doing work. After all, it's not as if I do anything important anymore.

No one cares at all. Everyone's talking about Christmas this, Christmas that. Free employee shindig after work today. Just another lame attempt to give us more hype.

I bumped into Fred. Or whatever his name is. You know, that salesman. He pretended not to recognize me. None of the friendly friendly buddy buddy stuff from before.

Hi, fancy seeing you here? Yes, indeed. I didn't know... I didn't know either. So. I was on my way to the hi-station. Oh. Sorry to hear that. Sure. Of course.

A face floating in the crowd, a number in a sea of digits. Or am I even that?

I think I'll go that stupid shindig.

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