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Just as I remember it: He stood in the light, not wavering, not faltering. With his strength he led us. All we did was follow. All we ever did was follow. He stood straight at the podium, his hair rustling in the soft autumn breeze. He coughed. The crowd silenced.

And he began: "Today ... is a new day in our history." A roar of deafening thunder erupts from the crowd, only to subside with the next words from his mouth. "We have fought nature, and we finally have won. We have found the solution to all of our problems." A spontaneous eruption of applause sweeps through the ranks of those who have gathered to listen to him.

"And now, let us meet the man, the man who has brought our society, the earth, and mankind into the new age...".

Another thundering roar and I walk into the light.

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