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There's too much darn spirit on the streets right now.

So, it's near Christmas. Big deal. Or near New Year's. Big deal. It doesn't really matter anyway. A vacation is just a temporary break from our harsh reality. So, we'll get a day off, and the next day it'll all be back to normal. There's no point for us to cling onto -- waiting for, hoping for -- that one day of vacation. It isn't our saviour.

My friend the salesperson returned again, in an ever so festive mood. He's becoming a true friend, more so than any of the others in my life. Atleast he visits me and talks to me on a daily basis, and won't leave my flat in huff whenever I say something wrong. Quite the opposite.

So, have you made up your mind about the purchase yet? Yeah, I don't want any of your crappy goods. "Not really."

It might be interesting for you to know that the special deal I offered you last week is only good for the next few days, after which it reverts back to the original non-discounted price. That's so very useful. "Thanks for telling me."

So, are you going to buy it or not? Why the hell would I want your product? I'm not rich. I work all day, slave to a macro corporation, I struggle through every bloody day, and I come home and eat the garbage from the elite society for dinner. Get a job. "No."


Well then, it looks like I'm just wasting my time. Yes, you are. "You can come back tomorrow, if you like."

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